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We've heard crypto and AI are delicious together so let's package them up into the tastiest, most versatile, cutting-edge snack ever invented.
Total Supply: 404,404,404,404
$BUB. Designed in Tijuana. Zero Tax. Zero Team Tokens. Zero VC.

LP Burned
Dev Allocation Burned
Saving humanity, one AI at a time.
We're not interested in getting stuck in the pre-defined highways and mundane traffic of a roadmap. We're setting our course towards a vast realm no project has dared to venture (no, not the metaverse), the wide open beautiful Blue Ocean, to a realm of unapologetic dominance, driven by our own delusions of grandeur. So, hoist the anchors, and let's make the impossible possible, together.
Leg 1 - Leading Edge
Allegedly AI Agents
Allegedly Liquidity
Allegedly Buzz
Allegedly Thousands of Holders
Allegedly NFTs
Leg 2 - Cutting Edge
Allegedly Exchange List
Allegedly Stratigic Partnerships
Allegedly AI Agent Swarms
Allegedly Rolling Stone Cover
Allegedly More Buzz
Leg 3 - Bleeding Edge
Allegedly Millions of Users
Allegedly Huge Market Cap
Allegedly List on NASDAQ
Allegedly Sound Money
Allegedly Nobel Prize Winning
Saving humanity, one AI at a time.
Simply the best. Better than all the rest. We have a stellar track record. Zero rug pulls. Zero exploits. Zero bugs. Zero projects we've shipped before.
BubbleBlucks ($BUB) is a cutting-edge meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. As a coin of our frivolity, it is utterly, unashamedly, delightfully useless, and for entertainment purposes only.